Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Something every day

I dunno, I wanted to talk about music today, and that's seeming a bit intimidating with how tired I feel.  I've been listening to an awful lot of stuff, and I'm not really sure which direction to broach the topic from...  I guess I'll just talk about what I listened to today while I was working on Anal Angel.  Here's the title track off of the first album I queued up:

Old Man Markley has enough of an alt sound to the bluegrassiness that it didn't feel really off.  The playlist kind of unintentionally faded to a more... rustic (I guess that's the word I want to use) sound.  I hit The Pines at the end of my playlist:

And at that point the contrast between what I was working on and the music I had on for background noise was a little too jarring.  I love the shit out of bluegrass, folk, alt-country, and similar stuff, but something just feels way off about listening to that style of music while translating lines like:
"This isn't good...
Fingering my ass is something I could get used to..."

I'm not the kind of person who has any one particular sort of music they listen to while working though.  Sometimes I listen to more upbeat stuff with a little more bass presence to keep my pace up, sometimes I listen to really unobtrusive stuff like ambient just to have a little bit of background noise.  The one and only constant, I guess, is that there's always music going on in the background.  If anyone's interested: http://www.last.fm/user/kyonichi

In terms of 14BiQ business...  our first release is out, or will be out shortly, idk, it's past the point where it's in my control, and we're getting really close to release as I type this.  It's a really nice feeling releasing something after so long.  I'm pretty far ahead of the pace I wanted to set myself for the initial burst of motivation, too.  Not to give too much away, but I'd expect quite a few releases in the near future as long as the editing side can keep up with me.  :9

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