Friday, March 18, 2011

A scanlation life has ups and downs

Treat this as half status update and half bitch/brag session, since that's what it is.  Mei is still in typesetting, and I'm getting antsy since it's a good chapter and I love that series so much...  can't blame Koiz for taking a few days though, it's a typical 40 page chapter :/  Anal Angel chapter 4 is translated, and the cleans/decensoring are done already, so it should be a fairly short wait on that release too.  We've got a joint project doujin release coming soon too, with Kusion from UTW/[gg] making a guest appearance as TLC.  I love doing joints, I love having people from other groups lend us a hand, and I love the feeling of community that comes from stuff like this, and I always feel like WOW!scans has actually become a legitimate part of things when we work with a big name like this.  It isn't really an e-peen thing or anything, it's just that feeling of accomplishment, knowing that we somehow made it from where we started to being a "real" group.  In other, more depressing news, /a/ had a string of about 800 posts about Houkago Play, one of the joint projects that I don't particularly enjoy working on and that keeps falling through the cracks.  I feel bad, but on the other hand I do this for fun, and being insulted for taking my time on a series I don't enjoy is kind of lame.  The other interesting thing is that there's a few people willing to work on translating the series - but they don't want to make any committments, they don't want to contact the editors to give them the translations, and they only want to do certain chapters out of order...  I'm really depressed and frustrated over the situation, and now I really feel like I HAVE to sit down and force my way through a chapter of HP soon.  I think I may make an official drop announcement after that chapter, depending on how much I hate the process of translating it this time around...    Maybe one of these other people will commit to something once I'm not on the hook to scapegoat when releases are slow.


  1. DO the things you got to do, dont listen to anyone who complains, i look at it like this if they can do a better job than they should do it but if they are neither translating, cleaning or anything they have no right to complain about releases, you do this for fun and people benefit from releases so no one has any right to complain when you do this for FREE, i hope people understand that TL, cleaning and so forth is done free and no one profits from releases, just ignore anyone with stupid comments unless they are willing to step up to the plate and assist they have no right to complain
