Monday, January 31, 2011

Burnout and Gender Bending

This has been my (personally, not really the group) slowest week in at least a month or two.  I attribute it to a variety of things, some of which are fair game for discussion, and some of which really kind of aren't.  Suffice it to say, the burnout was fairly short lived, since I'm a very doting parent over WOW!scans...  I just kind of boxed myself in with weekly/near weekly deadlines on our joints, raws aren't coming in the mail, Koizumi isn't making progress on the special project I bought to surprise everyone with...  It seemed like stuff just wasn't going how I wanted, so I had to take a few days and just step back and recuperate a bit.  OverDrive is going to wait another week I think, since once I finish Houkago Play for this week I really need to work on something *I* want to work on - meaning it'll be Anal Angel, OtoBoku, or Mei.  I feel bad for OverDrive fans, but if I keep pushing through shit other people want and deprioritizing the stuff I have fun working on I'm going to burn right out again.  (Just a side note, one of the stranger things on my list for today was raw providing the new Prunus Girl for a French scanlation group...  we've also got Vietnamese groups working from our stuff...  kind of cool, and kind of odd in a way)

Also, if you're into porn (who isn't?), you need to go here:
Download Market Showgirl, Becoming a Girl by ShindoL, Avatar Trance, and Trans Panic.  Thank me later.

Ugh, I felt like I had other shit that needed saying, but I guess it'll keep until I remember what it was, it's late here.

1 comment:

  1. Yamada's pretty fabulous, so he must be gay too ;3
